
Τηλεφωνικό Κέντρο:   2231023777test

Let’s neXt Social:   FACEBOOK.test / INSTAGRAM.test

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Terms of use

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For the company,

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Themistoklis Ath. Heimaras

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Terms of Use

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<! – wp: paragraph -> test is the online exhibition and distribution store of products via the Internet of the company Th. Heimaras & amp; SIA EE (hereinafter referred to as “Company ¨), based in Lamia. Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store of above companies.

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Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of the above website https: // test implies your explicit and unconditional consent and consent with them.

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1. Terms

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The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew these terms and conditions of transactions, made through their online store, according to their needs and transactional manners.

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2. Information provided & amp; Products

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The company is committed to the completeness and validity of the information provided on their website https: // www test, both in terms of the existence of the essential characteristics that are described on a case-by-case basis for each product they have, and in terms of the accuracy of the information regarding the services provided by their online store, subject to any technical or typographical errors that have been overlooked or have occurred unintentionally or due to any interruption of the website due to force majeure.

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3. Limitation of Liability

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The company can not guarantee the availability of the products, but they guarantee the timely information of the final consumers about their non-availability.

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The online store of the Companies is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website and during it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website . The Companies are also not responsible for acts or omissions of third parties and especially unauthorized interventions of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through it.

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Finally The company and despite trying to have fully automated shipping costs it is not possible to properly budget 100% of transactions (see bulky items and / or remote areas). In the above case there is good faith consultation with the consumer to cancel the order or change the shipping cost.

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4. Copyright

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All content of the websites, posted by the Companies at, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of the Companies and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law. , European law and international conventions.

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Any copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of production work or misleading the public about the actual provider of the Content of the websites is prohibited. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of the Companies or any other legal owner of the above copyright.

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The names, images, logos and insignia representing the Companies and / or the online store and / or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are the exclusive marks and insignia of the Companies and eshop of and the above third parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition.

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In any case, their appearance and exhibition on the websites test > should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.

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5. User Obligations

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Website users test accept that they will not use them and the online store of the Companies for sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or other transmission of any Content is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, is a violation expresses empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way; disclosed as part of an employment relationship or covered by confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary third party proprietary rights, contains software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or prevent the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violating applicable Greek and Community law and its provisions, may harass third parties in any way and any content is used to collect or store users’ personal data.

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6. Security

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The Companies recognize the importance of the issue of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions and take all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure your maximum possible security. All information, which is related to your personal information and your transactions, is secure and confidential. The security of the Online Store of the Companies is achieved by the following methods:

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Customer Identification

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The passwords used to identify you are two: the Password ( e-mail or username ) and the Personal Security Code ( password ), which every time you register them they give you complete security access to your personal information.

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Allows you to change your Personal Security Code (password) and your e-mail address as often as you wish. The only one who has access to your data is you through the above codes and you are solely responsible for maintaining its confidentiality and concealment from third parties. In case of loss or leakage you must notify us immediately, otherwise the online store of the Companies is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, we recommend that you change your password at regular intervals and avoid using the same and easily traceable codes (eg date of birth). We also suggest that you use not only letters and numbers but also symbols and password generation.

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Automatic Logout

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If there is no activity for 15 minutes, it is automatically disconnected from the members’ area of ​​the Companies’s online store.

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Controlled Access (firewall)

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Access to the companies’ systems (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of specific services by customers / users while prohibiting access to systems and databases with confidential data and information of the Companies.

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The Companies system first decrypts the information it receives using the same key (predefined when you start connecting to the service) and then processes it. Companies’s systems send you information following the same encryption process.

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Transaction Privacy

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Confidentiality is taken for granted. The same basic principles that govern traditional transactions apply in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user / member of the Companies is confidential and the Companies have taken all necessary measures to be used only to the extent deemed necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following:

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Only authorized employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process your applications.

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The Companies do not disclose the details of their customers and transactions, unless they have a written authorization from you or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public authority.

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You can request any information that is kept about you as well as their correction in case you can prove the existence of an error.

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For your own safety, you should also treat all information provided through the Service as confidential and confidential and do not disclose any information to third parties.

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7. Privacy Policy

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When you visit the pages of test it is possible be asked to provide your personal information concerning you (name, surname, email address, product shipping address, etc.) as a rule in order to process your orders. Any personal information you provide anywhere on the pages and services of the websites < / a> are kept exclusively for reasons related to your transactions with us, the improvement of the services provided and the guarantee of the operation of the respective service and may not be used by any third party (except where provided by law in the competent and principles only). test

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In any case, the employees of the Companies who have access to your personal data are specific and the access of unauthorized persons to your personal data is prohibited. Every reasonable measure to secure your data has been taken. Your personal information in extremely rare and special cases may be disclosed to companies cooperating with the Companies, in order to support, promote and execute your business relationship with us, but always under conditions that fully ensure that your personal information does not exist. any illegal processing.

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At any time, the user reserves the right to be informed or to object to the further processing of his data in accordance with the current legislation for the protection of personal data.

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8. Product Purchase

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In our online store you can find about 5,000 products of office supplies.

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To facilitate your search, we have divided our products into central categories. Each category also has a subcategory tree, which appears in the left-hand column of your screen.

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Our goal is to reach the final product with 3 clicks. In case you are looking for something specific, use the “search”, which will lead you directly to your specific choice.

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Our design team makes every effort to provide high quality services. However, cases of errors in prices and by-products can not be ruled out and it can not be guaranteed that there will be no downtime of the website or “human” errors when updating / indicating the price of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, we call you if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with its order, contact the Customer Service Department at 2231023777 or via the e-mail form of the website.

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When registering your order you will receive an automated e-mail stating the details of your order. After processing the order, you will receive the second and confirmation e-mail with the products that will be sent to you.

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As your order progresses, you will receive a series of automated e-mails informing you of the progress of your order.

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In case there is a pending issue in your order then a corresponding e-mail will be sent to you. Alternatively we will contact you on the phones you have given us when registering or registering the order on our site.

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There is no way to deactivate these updates, the sending of which is a prerequisite for the proper progress of your order. We invite you to ensure that these e-mails can reach you and keep them throughout the duration of our transaction. It is your obligation, in case you do not receive the relevant e-mails, in accordance with the general terms governing our transactions, to inform us without delay.

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9. Withdrawal / Return – Product Replacement

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You have the right to return the products you bought and request their replacement a) in all cases in which

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2. In case of change of the product within 20 days with another or others up to the amount of the price or with additional price or withdrawal within 14 days according to article 5 par.10 of law 2251/1994, the product must not have been used </ p>
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3. The product is accompanied by all the necessary documents that prove the transaction (eg DAT, Retail Rep. Etc.)

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10. Order Cancellation

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The order can be canceled in the following cases: Before the order is completed, during the electronic order process you can “back” and remove the quantities of products from your cart by clicking on the “remove” button. If the online order has been completed but the product has not been shipped yet, you can call us and one of our partners will undertake the cancellation of your order. Upon receipt of the product, call us or contact us via the email form on the website, explaining the reason you wish to cancel the order. One of our partners will serve you immediately and will inform you about all your options. However, the status of the order will not change on your account page.

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11. Difference between store price and online store price

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The pricing policy of the companies’s products NOT is the same in all our distribution channels: stores, catalogs, online store. The price of the products in the online store differs from the other distribution channels and is valid only for purchases through this online store and shipping to your place. In any case, although we make every effort to accurately indicate the details and prices we quote in our online store, we can not rule out the possibility of typographical or technical errors in prices and product features

Themistokleous 6
35100 GREECE
info @ nextshop .gr
ΑΦΜ: 998917460

Γ.Ε.ΜΗ Number 22648754000

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